870/2023 Missing Person - Jersey
The crew were alerted by Guernsey Coastguard at 1533hrs at the request of Jersey Police to assist in the search for a missing person, last seen in the early hours of the morning.
Lions’ Pride departed Guernsey at 1620 and set course for the North West corner of Jersey. En-Route, Jersey Coastguard tasked the crew to search between Plemont and St Aubin’s fort, paying particular attention to secluded areas, as it was thought the missing person may be in that sort of place.
Jersey Coastguard advised that drones would be operating, and contact was made with the operator to ensure there was adequate separation.
Arriving on scene at 1630hrs a visual search of the coastline between Plemont and St Aubin was carried out at 500ft AMSL. Having searched that route twice, the crew used the Wescam to carry out an infra-red search from an altitude of 2,000ft AMSL.
Lions’ Pride made several orbits of the area, before moving south to search the area of Blanches Banques dunes, making several orbits. With no trace of the missing person, the aircraft repositioned and orbited the area of La Moye, Portelet and St Aubin, before returning to the area of the missing persons last known position.
Jersey Coastguard requested a search of the North coast from Plemont to La Coupe, which was carried out before the crew were stood down at 1825hrs.
Many people were observed during the search, both visually and with infra-red, however none matched the description of the missing person.