496/2021 Missing Person


CIAS was tasked by Jersey Coastguard to assist with the search for a MISPER. The casualties car had been located in a carpark by the prison at about 18:00. He had been missing from the previous day. The aircraft was initially tasked with performing a FLIR search from the Corbiere Lighthouse to Noirmont Point, examining the paths, cliff edges and the bottom of the cliff. We were then asked to examine the West of Elizabeth Castle before flying a coastal search as far as St Catherines Bay. We were then asked to return to the area of the prison to take a close look at that area of the cliffs and also the land area around the carpark. The search was flown at 2000 feet and the conditions were good with various targets being found and discounted. During the last part of the search, the pilot manually entered a waypoint that he could fly a holding pattern to allow the FLIROP to concentrate on concise areas of the land. The casualty was not located and the aircraft returned to GCI.

Tags: Launch reports, Jersey