1148/2024 - Person overboard

Channel Islands Air Search were called out early on the morning of 12th October and requested to assist Jobourg MRCC in the search for a person overboard from the MSC Virtuosa cruise ship, north of Les Casquets.
Lions' Pride departed from Guernsey at 0200hrs and set course for the search area. The French navy helicopter Rescue Beligou Yankee was also in attendance.
Arriving on scene at 0221hrs, a search was commenced using the Wescam infra-red camera.
At 0233hrs Jobourg MRCC reported that the casualty had been located by Beligou Yankee approximately 1.5NM north of Lions' Pride and winching operations were in progress.
Having observed the completion of the winching operation, Lions' Pride was stood down and returned to Guernsey, landing at 0300hrs.
1148 Route
1148 Photo